Saturday, June 21, 2008

Reading and Writing

I do a lot of linking to websites that I think you might find interesting. I'm no expert myself and so I like to point you to places where you can learn more about reading and writing and researching. I hope that you find sites that will be of use to you or that you just enjoy reading and exploring.

One new site I found is written by an English professor for his classes, but he puts up a lot of background information that is helpful for anyone. You can see it here at Dr. Wheeler's Homepage at Carson-Newman College. In the left-hand sidebar are links to the various pages.

Another site for readers is Dan Kurland's Critical Reading. It looks full of useful information for getting more out of your reading, and that can give you ideas for your writing.

Vocabulary is another area that can help you with both reading and writing. Learning about words can be fun, and it can help your writing by giving you access to more precise words to say what you mean. It helps your reading in that you can understand a piece of writing more completely and spend less time looking up new words in a dictionary. One website that can help is Vocabulary. Another is Web English Teacher with pages for vocabulary and many other topics (see the lefthand sidebar). You can do a search for "vocabulary" on Google or another search engine and come up with many other sites to explore.


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