Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Multi-Purpose Writing Website

I wanted to share a website with you that has a number of articles on writing that may help you improve your own writing and also know what to do to get it published. It's called "On Writing: The Craft and the Writer" by Will Greenway.

There are lots of articles there for writers at all levels. Enjoy!

On a side note, if you have not been able to post comments because you did not have a Google/Blogger account, that is no longer the case. Blogger was making some changes to the comments portion of the program, but you can comment by selecting either "Nickname" or "Anonymous" and post a comment without having to register anywhere.


Deb said...
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Deb said...

Great writing site! Very enjoyable. I'm always on the lookout for more writing resources. I'm bookmarking this one! Thanks.

I thought you might be interested in another writing blog yourself. (Can we really get too much writing help?)

Check out The Story Ideas Virtuoso at:

This site helps writers find story ideas for their fiction, and provides writing tips, exercises, resources and advice.

Mary A said...

dwriter, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Glad you enjoyed finding that site. And thanks for the link to "The Story Ideas Virtuoso". That looks good. And, no, we can never get too much writing help!