Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thoughts on Writing

I should probably be posting some poems or other things I've written, but I still don't feel they are "finished" enough. And posting my own writing wasn't my main goal in starting this blog. I just wanted a place to share some thoughts on writing and books.

I probably have too many other things competing for my time and attention, as well. I keep explaining to myself about setting priorities, but...!

I think a mix of reading literature, reading about writing, and actually writing are the way to go in order to learn to be a good writer. Being observant as we go about our daily lives is another necessity, too. We need material to write about and inspiration. We need examples of different kinds of people, weather, scenery, and so forth so that we can bring those things to life through description in our writing.

It's work, but anything worthwhile is. What do you do to work on your writing?


Anonymous said...

As I like auto-biographical writing, I like to compare one stage of my life to another. Or I like to compare and contrast a lot. Writing really is a blessing to me. -Barb

Mary A said...

Hi, Barb. Writing can be a blessing in so many ways. It helps me to organize my thoughts and to understand things I might otherwise miss.