Saturday, August 2, 2008

If You Write Poetry

There are a number of websites that give descriptions of and requirements for different poetry forms. Some also define the various terms (foot, meter, simile, etc.). Here are four of my favorites.

Poetry Forms and Terminology

Forms (Sol Magazine)

Poetry Forms (in Open Directory)

Kalliope Poetics

These are sites with definitions, explanations, examples, and/or links that will help you learn more about poetry. Go write some poems!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to check these sites out! I wish I could give some good tips on writing. I guess that I like to follow my own rules and beat to my own drum as much as possible. If I wrote to please a critique, then I would probably stop. In writing poetry, I can't count syllables for meter as it drives me crazy and if I had to match a second line to it, that is so hard to sound natural and even do for me. I just have to work it out in my head as far as what sounds okay to me. It is not an exact meter but I do think a lot of my work does have a rhythm to it.--Barb